Sunday Homily Blog and Podcast
Sunday Homily Blog and Podcast
Sunday Homilies from Saint Mary Catholic Church in Fort Walton Beach, FL. Can scripture speak to you now, in this time in your life and circumstances? Yes! Discover how to more fully integrate God’s word into your life with this Sunday homily series. We are clear about what we want you to know, what we want you to do (a challenge for the week), and why it matters. Join us weekly and share with your friends.
Faith sharing rejected? Here is the answer.
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During the last few weeks, we heard how God called some of the Old Testament prophets and how the people rejected their message. These prophets were chosen, and sent, to bring the people to God and to teach the people how to follow God’s ways. Today’s readings are again about being chosen and sent. Throughout the bible, God is trying to help us understand that we are all chosen and sent. In the b
by Unknown / now
Why was Jesus not able to perform any mighty deed in his hometown of Nazareth? And what does that have to do with us and with true freedom? Did the lack of faith of the people of Nazareth rob Jesus of his powers? Would he not have been able to turn water into wine in his hometown of Nazareth, as he had done when he turned water into wine in the town of Cana? The bible is full of him working all s
by Unknown / now
Jonathan Roumie is an actor who is best known for playing Jesus in the series, “The Chosen”. However, for several years before being cast in that series, he played Jesus in short films and plays. He tells the story of playing the role of Jesus in a short play that was taking place in a church. The performance began with him walking up the center aisle of the church. As he was walking toward the s
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Life is a steady diet of change, growth, and new things isn’t it? When we were very young, the story inside our head went like this: I haven't been a little kid before. I haven't gone to school before, or stayed home alone before, or gone to sleep without a night light before. For others among us the inside story sounds like this: I have not been to college or grad school before. I haven't had to
by Unknown / now
God's Masterpiece: Sunday Homily June 13, 2021: There was a time, not so long ago, when we simply weren't, when not one of us was even a gleam yet in our father's eye. The atoms that would someday be our bodies were strewn at random here and there around the earth. And the only person who'd ever even imagined us was God. When at last we did begin to be, we were smaller than a fly speck, so small
Next Door III: Eating and Drinking
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We are in the third week and final week of our series Next Door: The Art of Neighboring. The premise of this series has been that God wants you to be a source of his goodness and grace. If you missed any of the series and would like to listen or share them please go to our website saintmarydotlife. Today is Corpus Christi Sunday when we celebrate and remember that Christ wants an intimate relatio
Next Door II – What’s in a name? Trinity Sunday
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We are in the second week of our message series Next Door: The Art of Neighboring. The premise of this series is that God wants you to be a source of his goodness and grace in your neighborhood. Last week, we started with a simple step all of us can take, no matter what. We were encouraged to pray for our neighbors and neighborhood. We looked at the challenge to pray for the neighborhood as a who
Next Door: Week 1 Walking Down Your Street
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Today, we’re beginning a brand new message series. This series is called Next Door: The Art of Neighboring. Appropriately, we’re kicking it off on the Feast of Pentecost, which celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit to the Church. The Celtic Christians had a term for the Holy Spirit. They called the Spirit the Wild Goose. The name points to the mysterious nature of the Holy Spirit. You never kn
by Unknown / now
Today we’re wrapping up our Easter series Love Lives. With that in mind, here is something to ponder. The love of God is missional. You are probably wondering what that means. It means God loves us for who we are. But God also wants us to share in his love by going out and joining in his mission, which is to share his love and tell others of his love for them. That’s why we’ve been saying “Love L
by Unknown / now
Happy Mother’s Day! Mothers’ Day is all about an expression of love for our Mothers. In recent weeks, the Sunday gospels have focused intensely on love, and so has our message series. We’ve come to understand that to love someone is to help that person thrive without counting the cost to ourselves. That is what our Mother’s do, and that is what Jesus did. We’ve got a fun way to remember this moth
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